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Neue Bücher | New books | Nouveaux livres - 02-2012

compiled by / zusammengestellt von / compilé de Nancy Rahn

Altes und Neues Testament / Old and New Testament / l’Ancien Testament et le Nouveau Testament

  • Margaret Baker: The Mother of the Lord.
    Vol. 1 – The Lady in the Temple.
    London, New York: Continuum 2012.
    420 S., € 30.99, ISBN 978-0-567-52815-5.

  • Thalia Gur Klein: Our Cultic Foremothers.
    Sacred Sexuality and Sexual Hospitality in the Biblical and Related Exegetic Texts.
    Sheffield: Equinox 2012 (Gender, Theology, and Spirituality).
    224 S., € 40.99, ISBN 978-1-845-53106-5.

Altes Testament / Old Testament / l’Ancien Testament

  • Cynthia Shafer-Elliott: Food in Ancient Judah.
    Domestic Cooking in the Time of the Hebrew Bible.
    Sheffield: Equinox 2012 (Bible World).
    256 S., $ 99.95, ISBN 978-1-908-04973-5.

  • Melissa Jackson: Comedy and Feminist Interpretation of the Hebrew Bible.
    A Subversive Collaboration.
    Oxford: Oxford University Press 2012 (Oxford Theology and Religion Monographs).
    304 S., £ 65, ISBN 978-0-199-65677-6.

  • Helen Kraus: Gender Issues in Ancient and Reformation Translations of Genesis 1-4. Oxford: Oxford University Press 2012 (Oxford Theological Monographs).
    442 S., € 90.99, ISBN 978-0-199-60078-6.

  • Mark Boda, Carol J. Dempsey, Leann Snow Flesher: Daughter Zion.
    Her Portrait, Her Response.
    Atlanta GA: Society of Biblical Literature 2012.
    440 S., $ 35.95, ISBN 978-1-589-83701-1.

  • Stephanie Feder, Aurica Nutt (Hgg.): Esters unbekannte Seiten.
    Theologische Perspektiven auf ein vergessenes biblisches Buch. FS für Marie-Theres Wacker.
    Ostfildern: Grünewald Verlag 2012.
    202 S., € 23.00, ISBN: 978-3-7867-2953-2.

Neues Testament / New Testament / le Nouveau Testament

  • Marvin W. Meyer: The Gospel of the Marginalized.
    The Redemption of Doubting Thomas, Mary Magdalene, and Judas Iscariot in Early Christian Literature.
    Eugene OR: Cascade Books 2012.
    166 S., $ 15.20, ISBN 978-1-620-32268-0.

  • Ambrose E. Edebe: Your Women Did Prophesy.
    Bloomington IN: xlibris 2012.
    100 S., € 34.53, ISBN 978-1-479-74270-7.

  • Manuel Villalobos Mendoza: Abject Bodies in the Gospel of Mark.
    Sheffield: Phoenix Press 2012 (Bible in the Modern World 45).
    v+210 S., € 60, ISBN 978-1-907-53454-6

Geschichte/ History-herstory/ histoire

  • Preston Kavanagh: Huldah.
    The Prophet Who Wrote Hebrew Scripture.
    Eugene OR: Pickwick Publications 2012.
    222 S., $ 19.20, ISBN 978-1-610-97195-9.

Sonstiges / Other / Autre

  • Kathryn D. Blanchard, Jane S. Webster (eds.): Lady Parts.
    Biblical Women and The Vagina Monologues.
    Eugene OR: Wipf and Stock 2012.
    148 S., $ 14.40, ISBN 978-1-620-32311-3.
  • Jane Dewar Schaberg: The Death and Resurrection of the Author and Other Feminist Essays on the Bible.
    Sheffield: Phoenix Press 2012 (Bible in the Modern World 51).
    xvi+242 S., € 55, ISBN 978-1-907-53473-7.

  • Deryn Guest: Beyond Feminist Biblical Studies.
    Sheffield: Phoenix Press 2012 (Bible in the Modern World 47).
    xiii+192 S., € 50, ISBN 978-1-907-53462-1.

  • Admiel Kosman: Gender and Dialogue in the Rabbinic Prism.
    Berlin: deGruyter 2012 (Studia Judaica 50).
    vii+268 S., € 79.95, ISBN 978-3-110-20705-7.

  • Katie B. Edwards: Admen and Eve.
    The Bible in Contemporary Advertising.
    Sheffield: Phoenix Press 2012 (Bible in the Modern World 48).
    xiv+146 S., € 60, ISBN 978-1-907-53471-3.

  • Elisabeth Hartlieb, Stefanie Schäfer-Bossert (Hgg.): Feministische Theologie – Politische Theologie.
    Entwicklungen und Perspektiven.
    Sulzbach, Taunus: Ulrike-Helmer-Verlag 2012.
    251 S., € 29.95, ISBN 978-3-897-41341-2.

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