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Neue Bücher | New books | Nouveaux livres - 02-2007
compiled by / zusammengestellt von / compilé de Nancy Rahn
Susanne Scholz: Introducing the Women’s Hebrew Bible.
Edinburgh:T&T Clark International 2007 (Introductions in Feminist Theology).
160 S., £18.99, Paperback ISBN 978-0-567-08257-2
This book introduces readers to the diverse field of feminist studies on the Hebrew Bible. Not organized as a traditional introduction to the "Old Testament," the manuscript does not follow a biblical book-by-book structure, but provides an introductory survey of the history and issues as they relate to feminist readings and readers of the Hebrew Bible. Accordingly, feminist scholars of the Bible, their career struggles, and biblical texts, characters, and themes stand at the forefront of this introduction. The volume is biased toward "Western" feminist scholarship because of the historical developments of feminist scholarship in general and biblical studies in particular. Yet, the chapters also include African, Asian, and Latin American perspectives on feminist studies of the Hebrew Bible. In short, the book offers an overview on the historical, social, and academic developments of reading the Hebrew Bible as the "women's Hebrew Bible."
Altes und Neues Testament / Old and New Testament / l’Ancien Testament et le Nouveau Testament
- Ferdinand Ahuis: Das ‘Grossreich’ Davids und die Rolle der Frauen. Eine Untersuchung zur Erzählung von der Nachfolge auf dem Thron Davids ( 2. Sam 10 - 20; Kön 1+2) und ihrer Trägerinnengruppe. 2007.
ISBN-Nummer: 978-3-7887-2201-2 -
Lars Hartman, Lina Sjöberg, Mikael Sjöberg (eds.): Vad hur och varför? Reflektioner om bibelvetenskap. Festskrift till Inger Ljung. (= What, how and why? Reflections on biblical studies) Uppsala: Uppsala University, 2006, (AUU, Uppsala Studies in faiths and ideologies 17) In Swedish and Danish.
Lisa Isherwood (ed.): Patriarchs, Prophets and Other Villains. London: Equinox 2007.
248 S., £14.99, Paperback ISBN 978-1-845-53131-7 -
Deborah W. Rooke (ed.): A Question of Sex? Gender and Difference in the Hebrew Bible and Beyond. Sheffield: Sheffield Phoenix Press 2007 (Hebrew Bible Monographs, 14). xi + 184 S., € 67.50, Hardcover ISBN 978-1-906-05520-2
Matthew B. Schwartz & Kalman J. Kaplan: The Fruit of Her Hands. A Psychology of Biblical Women Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans 2007.
207 S., $15, ISBN 978-0-802-81772-3
Altes Testament / Old Testament / l’Ancien Testament
Dorothea Erbele-Küster, Detlef Dieckmann(Hg.): “Du hast mich aus meiner Mutter Leib gezogen”. Beiträge zur Geburt im Alten Testament. Neukirchen-Vluyn: Neukirchener 2006 (Biblisch Theologische Studien, 75). viii + 197 S., €24.90, Paperback ISBN 978-3-788-72140-4
Anne Lapidus Lerner: Eternally Eve. Images of Eve in the Hebrew Bible, Midrash, and Modern Jewish Poetry. Waltham, MA: Brandeis University Press - Lebanon, NH: University Press of New England 2007 (HBI Series on Jewish Women). 256 S., $26.00, Paperback ISBN1-58465-573-9, $65.00, Hardcover ISBN1-58465-553-4
Sarit Paz: Drums, Women, and Goddesses. Drumming and Gender in Iron Age II Israel. . Fribourg (CH): Academic Press – Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht 2006 (Orbis Biblicus et Orientalis). ca. 252 S., zahlr. Abb, 29,90 Eur[D] ca. / 30,80 Eur[A], ISBN: 978-3-525-53031-3
Dagmar Pruin: Geschichte und Geschichten. Isebel als literarische und historische Gestalt. Fribourg (CH): Academic Press – Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht 2006 (Orbis Biblicus et Orientalis, 222). II-404 S., Fr. 120.-, ISBN 978-3-727-81570-6
Lina Sjöberg: Genesis och Jernet. Ett möte mellan Sara Lidmans Jernbaneepos och bibelns berättelser. Hedemora: Gidlunds, 2006. In Swedish with a three-page summary in English “The Hermeneutics of Bible and Literature: An Intertextual Journey in Two Directions”
Christine Stark: „Kultprostitution“ im Alten Testament? Die Qedeschen der Hebräischen Bibel und das Motiv der Hurerei. Fribourg (CH): Academic Press – Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht 2006 (Orbis Biblicus et Orientalis, 221). 272 S., Fr. 76.-, ISBN 978-3-727-81567-6
Anne Lapidus Lerner: Eternally Eve. Images of Eve in the Hebrew Bible, Midrash, and Modern Jewish Poetry. Waltham, MA: Brandeis University Press - Lebanon, NH: University Press of New England 2007 (HBI Series on Jewish Women). 256 S., $26.00, Paperback ISBN1-58465-573-9, $65.00, Hardcover ISBN1-58465-553-4
Neues Testament / New Testament / le Nouveau Testament
Elizabeth V. Dowling: Taking away the Pound. Women, Theology and the Parable of the Pounds in the Gospel of Luke. Edinburgh: T&T Clark International 2007 (The Library of New Testament Studies). 272 S., £65, Hardcover ISBN 978-0-567-04364-1
Beverly Roberts Gaventa: Our Mother Saint Paul. Louisville: Westminster John Knox 2007. 192 S., $24.95, Paperback, ISBN 978-0-664-23149-1 Geschichte/ History-herstory/ histoire
Roger Bagnall, Raffaella Cribiore: Women's Letters from Ancient Egypt. 300 BC-AD 800. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press 2006. xiii + 421 S., $75.00, Hardcover ISBN 978-0-472-11506-8
Sue Hamilton, Ruth Whitehouse & Katherine I. Wright: Archaeology and Women. Ancient and Modern Issues. Oxford: Berg 2007 (UCL Institute of Archaeology Publications). 384S. illus, references, index, £18.99, Paperback ISBN 978-1-598-74224-4, £45.00, Hardback ISBN 978-1-598-74223-7
Mark Munn: The Mother of the Gods, Athens, and the Tyranny of Asia. A Study of Sovereignty in Ancient Religion. Berkeley - Los Angeles: University of California Press 2006. xviii + 452 S., $49.95, Hardcover ISBN 978-0-520-24349-1
Kimberly B. Stratton: Naming the Witch. Magic, Ideology, and Stereotype in the Ancient World. New York, Columbia University Press 2007. 312 S., $45, ISBN 978-0-231-13836-9
- Helen Leneman: The Performed Bible. The Story of Ruth in Opera and Oratorio. Sheffield: Sheffield Phoenix Press 2007 (Bible in the Modern World, 11). xiv + 260 S., £20 / $35 / €30, Hardcover ISBN 978-1-905-04856-4 The Bible and Western culture is a burgeoning area of interest in recent scholarship, but comparatively little has been written on the Bible and music. Leneman's is a groundbreaking work, making some pioneering forays across an important interdisciplinary divide. The Performed Bible is an in-depth study of the librettos and music of 12 operas and oratorios on the story of Ruth from the last two centuries, establishing the potential of music, as a kind of midrash, for transforming a Bible text, its narrative and its characterization. The book includes detailed analyses of musical segments, the author being a cantor and professional musician in whose Jewish tradition biblical texts are chanted, not read.
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